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Mark 6:31-56

“Oh Yeah, I Read About that Somewhere”

Last post we agreed that familiarity with Jesus and Gospels often leads us to trivialize these accounts of his life. (LOL! Just kidding. I have not yet written the “last” post – come back 9/22 to see that post.) Such is the case with these two stories. Yup, Jesus feeds some hungry people, how cute to magically offer these nice people a meal. Then, again how charming, Jesus walks on water, what a fun trick to play on his unsuspecting disciples.

Jesus feed five thousand men and that is not to mention the women and children with five loaves and two fish – yup, another miracle. So, what do the disciples not get (quick, check out Mark 6:51-52)? We hear in Mark 6:34, When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.” As always, the disciples miss what Jesus is trying to say about himself and we need to make sure we do not miss the same.

Before we say anything else, let us remember that the Jews who met Jesus face to face and who first read Mark’s Gospel knew the Jewish Scriptures (our Old Testament) very well. Jesus, I think very purposefully, acts and speaks in ways that point to God’s preparing the people of Israel for his arrival throughout their history recorded in their Scriptures (our Old Testament if you recall.) Garland argues and I agree, that, “Our unfamiliarity with these traditions, compound our tendencies to interpret details literally, causes us to miss the symbolic significance.”

Go back to the Old Testament, read Isaiah 55:1-2. Then read Mark 6:31-44. Now, what does the feeding of the multitudes tell us about who Jesus is and what God is up to in the person of Jesus? Oh, and compare this meal with Herod’s feast where John the Baptist is beheaded. Hint, think “life and death.”

Now to Jesus waling on the water as the disciples where in Mark6:48, He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. The disciples are not about to drown as they were earlier in Mark, just having a tough time rowing against the wind. This is an important fact. Two key verse and related significant questions to answer with Mark 6:45-56. First, we hear in Mark 6:48, …. Shortly before dawn he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them….” Why is going to pass them by. Really, what is Jesus trying to show them about who he is? Stop. Go read Exodus 33:19-34:7 and then 1 Kings 19:11-12. Pay close attention to this verb which appears twice here in the Old Testament – “pass by.” God does not allow the great leader Moses and the great prophet Elijah see God’s face. Wow, the disciples get to see the face of Jesus.

Finally, we hear in Mark 6:51-52, Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.” This guy feeds thousands with five loaves and two fish and then, get this, he walks on the water and is about to pass them by. What don’t they get? Really, yup really, what don’t we get?

AMEN for now,

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